Doldrums - Feng Shui CD
Doldrums - Feng Shui CD
More scrambled art/post-rock from the trio, recorded simultaneously with Acupuncture (released by kranky). Contains much drifty atmosphere in between occasional psychedelic guitar outbursts.
More scrambled art/post-rock from the four-eyed trio, recorded simultaneously with Acupuncture (released by kranky). Feng Shui represents a more "ambient" and contemplative side of the eclectic trio. The band's use of bowed guitars on several of the tracks gives the record an eerie but mostly serene atmosphere. There's a layered intricacy to the music that belies the fact that most of this is actually a live-to-2 track recording. There are a couple of bombastic moments here, of course. Features the full 30 mins or so of "Ascending Copper Mountain," previously excerpted on the prophetic vhf sampler (Stand Up For Art Rock (Because Space Rock Is Over).